Ray, Mike and Denny in Birmingham – Early Moody Blues Days


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  1. nickysvicki says:

    Hoping your enjoying a healthy life.Hi Mike. I Have tried to contact you many times but alas my computer skills are very minimal. Where do I begin, well I’m Nicky James’s (former singer with the Moodies, early Moody Blues), ex-wife Vicky or Christine , the band and Nicky called me Vicky. Mike Nicholls and I had a whirlwind marriage after only 4 months and immediately moved into a luxury flat in Shirley,Solihull B.ham. I was a hairdresser , Mike loved me to put rollers in his hair to look good for all your gigs, and adored a head massage and lots of new hairstyles. We were so very happy. I also had a baby boy . He was only 5 or 6 months old , Mike accepted him and loved him like he was his own child.His name is Russell Davies. He is just 48. My parents would not allow me to marry his Royal Navy father as I was only 20 when he was born. this made me very angry and was determined to marry as soon as I was of age to marry. One night I went to the Moat house in Bradford street and there I met the one and only Mike Nicholls . This chance meeting was the beginning of the happiest 3 years of at least my life. I imagine you remember all this happening of course in 1964 . I remember going to your mothers for Mike to collect two stage jackets and a small carrier with all his worldly possessions . Your mother stood at the door and sitting in the van I noted how cross she looked at Mike and in hindsight I realise in her wisdom she considered we were both behaving foolishly, bless her, we drove away leaving her looking worried. That was about an hour after we had got married. I do feel we were irresponsible but I have no regrets, only joy. Joy I was with the nicest person I had ever met in my life and indescribable exhilaration following our visit to London and the recording of Go now, behold, Abracadabra ! No. 1 in the charts. 1964 best time of our lives. Best wishes to you Mike I look fondly back upon this time , that we both experienced and relished. Vicky.

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